Obair Bhaile: Week 16


Obair Bhaile do Rang III/ IV an Luan 09-01-’17


F.I.O.3rd – pg 67 Qs 1-8

F.I.O.4th – pg 56 Qs 8-11

Writing: Cloze Test 1

Spelling: Mon.

Litriú: An Grúpa 1

Tables: Revision x 7/10/11

Bird Watching 10 mins

A.R. Reading 
Obair Bhaile do Rang III/ IV an Mháirt 10-01-’17


F.I.O.3rd – pg 67 Qs 1-8

F.I.O.4th – pg 56 Qs 8-11

English: M.R.A.H. pg 58

SESE: Continue History Project Due Feb 27th

Spelling: Tues.

Litriú: An Grúpa 2

Tables: Revision x 7/10/11

A.R. Reading 

(Litriú Corrections Signed)
Obair Bhaile do Rang III/ IV an Chéadaoin 11-01-2017


F.I.O. 3rd – pg 68 Qs 9-11

F.I.O. 4th – pg 56 Qs 12-14

Gaeilge: C.N.C.

Writing: Cloze Test 2

Spelling: Wed.

Litriú: An Grúpa 3

A.R. Reading 

Tables: Revision x 7/10/11

Reminder: PE tomorrow so wear your tracksuit

Obair Bhaile do Rang III/IV an  Déardaoin 12-01-’17


F.I.O. 3rd – pg 68 Qs 12-20

F.I.O. 4th – pg 57 Qs 15-17

English: M.R.A.H. pg 60

Gaeilge: C.N.C.

Spelling: All

Litriú: Ag Dul Siar

A.R. Reading 

Tables: Revision x 7/10/11



1. Caught between two stools: When someone finds it difficult to choose between two alternatives. 

2. Costs an arm and a leg: This idiom is used when something is very expensive.

3.Cross that bridge when you come to it: Deal with a problem if and when it becomes necessary, not before.

4. Cry over spilt milk: When you complain about a loss from the past.

5. Curiosity killed the cat: Being Inquisitive can lead you into an unpleasant situation.

6. Cut corners: When something is done badly to save money.

7. Cut the mustard: To succeed; to come up to expectations; adequate enough to compete or participate.

8. Devil’s Advocate: To present a counter argument.
9. Don’t count your chickens before the eggs have hatched: Don’t make plans for something that might not happen.

10. Don’t give up the day job: You are not very good at something. You could definitely not do it professionally.

11. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket: Do not put all your resources in one possibility.

12. Drastic times call for drastic measures: When you are extremely desperate you need to take drastic actions.

13. Elvis has left the building: The show has come to an end. It’s all over.

14. Every cloud has a silver lining: Be optimistic, even difficult times will lead to better days.

15. Far cry from: Very different from.

Black Queen by Michael Morpurgo 


Over the coming weeks we will be reading this novel….

The blurb reads….”The story is centred around Billy who is very suspicious about his neighbour. He calls her the ‘€œBlack Queen’€ as she always wears a black cloak and wide brimmed hat – and spends a lot of time lurking around her garden with her cat.

When she asks Billy to look after her cat whilst she’€™s away he is both scared and curious. He takes a tiny peak into her house where he discovers chess boards everywhere. Why are they there? What game is she playing?”



Third Class:

• Estimate, compare, measure and record length of a wide variety of objects using appropriate metric units (m, cm).

• Rename units of length in m and cm. 

125 cm = 1 m 25 cm

• Solve and complete practical tasks and problems involving the addition and subtraction of units of length (m, cm).
Fourth Class:

estimate, compare, measure and record lengths of a wide variety of objects, using appropriate metric units, and selecting suitable instruments of measurement
lengths and heights of doors, corridors, school yard, paths, drives, playing-fields
instruments: rulers, tape measures, trundle wheel

• rename units of length using decimal or fraction form

25 cm = 0.25 m 

2 km 150 m = 2150 m = 2.15 km

• understand, estimate and measure the perimeter of regular 2-D shapes

• solve and complete practical tasks and problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication and simple division of units of length (m, cm, km).