Na Briathra Neamhrialta: Aimsir Chaite


We will be working on these Irregular Verbs: 

1. Beir – catch Ar rug tú? Rug mé / Níor rug mé

2. Cluin – hear Ar chuala tú? Chuala mé / Níor chuala mé

3. Bí – bí An raibh tú? Bhí mé / Ní raibh mé

4. Ith – eat Ar ith tú? D’ith mé / Níor ith mé

5. Tar – come Ar tháinig tú? Tháinig mé / Níor tháinig mé

6. Abair – say An ndúirt tú? Dúirt mé /  Ní dúirt mé

7. Téigh – go An ndeachaigh tú? Chuaigh mé /  Ní dheachaigh mé?

8. Faigh – get An bhfuair tú? Fuair mé / Ní bhfuair mé

9. Feic – see  An bhfaca tú? Chonaic mé / Ní fhaca mé

10. Tabhair – give Ar thug tú? Thug mé / Níor thug mé

11. Déan – do/make An ndearna tú? Rinne mé / Ní dhearna mé

Verb Games to play:

Novel Study #4: Stanley 


We will be working on this book each afternoon for the next two weeks. Then from Friday, 10th March AR Quizzes can be taken.

Stanley Stanley was different than other babies from the second he was born. He proved this by holding his breath and when we was a few hours old he began winking at nurses. His father narrates this story and shares his version of events in Stanley’s life. Stanley gets up to all sorts of mischief including painting his dog “Zapper and put coal in the washing machine. Ms Treacy had great patience with him when he went to school. This provided his parents with a break! We explore his friendship with Redser O’Donoghue, the birth of his sisters and other funny episodes! Very funny and enjoyable read! 

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 






Third Class:

• Estimate, compare, measure and record the capacity of a wide variety of containers using non-standard units.

• Select and use appropriate non-standard measuring units and instruments.

• Estimate, measure and record capacity using litre, half-litre and quarter-litre bottles and solve simple problems.

• Rename units of capacity in l and ml

• Rename units of capacity using decimal and fraction form.

Fourth Class:

• Estimate, compare, measure and record capacity using appropriate metric (l, ml) and selecting suitable instruments of measurement.

• Rename units of capacity in l and ml

• Rename units of capacity using decimal and fraction form.

• Solve and complete practical tasks and problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication and simple division of units of capacity (l, ml).

Mar 1: Week 23


Obair Bhaile do Rang III/ IV an Luan
26ú Feabhra 2017
Maths: F.I.O. 4 pg 68 A. 1-20 F.I.O. 3 pg 79 1-8
Gaeilge: C.N.C. & Buachaill ón Éirne
Writing: Cloze Test 1
Spelling: Unit Mon
Litriú: An Grúpa 1
Tables: ÷ 6
English: AR Reading

Obair Bhaile do Rang III/ IV an Mháirt 27ú 2017
Feabhra 27-02-2017
Maths: F.I.O. 4 pg 68 B. 1-20 F.I.O. 3 pg 80 1-8
English: M.R.A.H. pg 84
Gaeilge: C.N.C. & Buachaill ón Éirne
Spelling: Unit Tues
Litriú: An Grúpa 2
Tables: ÷ 6
English: AR Reading

Obair Bhaile do Rang III/ IV an Chéadaoin 28ú Feabhra 2017
Maths: F.I.O. 4 pg 75 1-3 F.I.O. 3 pg 80 9-16
Gaeilge: C.N.C. & Buachaill ón Éirne
Writing: Cloze Test 2
Spelling: Unit All
Litriú: An Grúpa 3
Tables: ÷ 6
English: AR Reading

Obair Bhaile do Rang III / IV an
Déardaoin 1 Márta 2017
Maths: F.I.O. 4 pg 75 1-3 F.I.O. 3 pg 80 1-6
English: M.R.A.H. pg 85
Gaeilge: C.N.C. & Buachaill ón Éirne
Spelling: Unit All
Litriú: Ag Dul Siar
Tables : ÷ 6
English: AR Reading